PRAYER groups and retreats


Looking for someone to offer guidance for your church or small group in the rich experiences of prayer? Prayer is more than just talking to God. Prayer is about relationship and communion. It is about growing deeper in God's life so that we are more able to reflect God's truth and grace into the world.

Prayer for Everyone

Prayer for Everyone is a series on the four stages of prayer, as described by Mark Thibodeaux in his book, Armchair Mystic. The first stage is Talking at God. The second is Talking to God. The third is Listening to God. And the fourth is Being with God.

This series can be offered over the course of four weeks (2-hour sessions) or in a weekend format (8-hours).

Deep calls to deep

Would you like to go deeper in the Christian contemplative stream? Contemplative forms of prayer nurture an open and receptive posture before God. In contemplative prayer, we come before God with hands wide-open. We are free to let go of our agendas and receive what God desires for us in this moment.

This series can be offered over six weeks (2-hour sessions) or in a weekend intensive (8 to 12 hours).